Educating All Learners Alliance to Announce 2022 New Champion

The 2022 EALA New Champion, selected for exceptional work in supporting all students, will receive an 35k unrestricted operating grant and a year of mentorship.

June 29, 2022 | New Orleans, LA - The Educating All Learners Alliance (EALA), a coalition of over 100 partner organizations led by InnovateEDU, announces LiberatED as the recipient of the 2022 New Champions Grant Fund. Beginning this year, the New Champions Fund awards an annual unrestricted competitive sub-grant and year-long mentorship to support a selected leader of color, or an ally of the equity in education movement. Administered by EALA, the $35,000 grant is awarded to a recipient doing innovative and exceptional work to support students with disabilities, including students who are marginalized or come from underserved communities and those experiencing poverty. STEM4Real and Dr. Charles L. Cole, III are named as 2022 New Champion Runners-Up, recipients of the two additional $5,000 sub-grants per year.

“This year’s New Champion project has been an amazing success. The diversity of perspective, voices and organizations represented during the selection process and among the applicants was extraordinary - from community based organizations, to established non-profits, to educators working in classrooms everyday.” said Erin Mote, Executive Director of InnovateEDU. “It demonstrates the continued need to enter the voice and work of incredible organizations in our field who are advocates and champions for all students - but especially those students with disabilities.” 

The purpose of this award is to elevate the work and profile of emerging leaders doing exceptional work who may struggle to be recognized in traditional national fundraising or communication efforts. The 2022 New Champion was selected by a judging panel composed of 12 national leaders in education. The explicit intent of this work is to diversify the organizations, voices, and approaches that are leading the conversation on serving all students.

2022 EALA New Champion


LiberatED centers healing, justice, and radical love in social and emotional learning (SEL) and education to create a world where all children and youth live, learn, and thrive in the comfort of their own skin.

2022 New Champion Runners-Up


Our mission is to increase equity, access and opportunity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education for each and every student, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, or ability. We are committed to providing justice-centered and culturally relevant professional development for educators by transforming pedagogy and standards-based learning strategies through collaboration, professional learning, and culturally responsive instructional materials.

Dr. Charles L. Cole, III

My work's mission is my life’s mission: To build and uplift the agency of the end-users of education because no one is coming to save us. We save ourselves. I don’t love systems, I love people.

For more information, visit the Educating All Learners Alliance website.


The Educating All Learners Alliance (EALA) is an uncommon coalition of organizations committed to resource sharing and community-building that supports the efforts of the education community to meet the needs of students with disabilities.

Contact: Jonathan Barry Wolf, InnovateEDU,

Eight Ed Tech Vendors Earn Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification

Product Certifications Provide Transparency to Educators when Selecting Edtech Tools

MAY 31, 2022| Brooklyn, NY - InnovateEDU’s Project Unicorn announces eight education technology product vendors who have completed their Porject Unicorn Interoperability Certification. The Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification signals that an edtech product prioritizes data interoperability: the seamless, secure, and controlled exchange of usable data between applications. It also signals to school districts and educators each vendors’ focus on better informing instruction and driving student-centered learning experiences.

The following eight vendors have completed the Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification:

“At Project Unicorn we have heard from our over 700 pledged school districts that clear market signals matter.  This certification is intended to give both the supply side - vendors - and the demand side - districts and purchasers of edtech a clear understanding of where a product is in their interoperability journey,” said Erin Mote, Executive Director of InnovateEDU. 

The Unicorn product certifications are awarded to products as competency-based digital badges through the Digital Promise Product Certifications platform and will be featured for buyers in a number of indexes where buyers go to find information about products including Learn Platform and the Edsurge Product Index.

"Educators are extremely frustrated by how hard it is to get reliable, independent information when buying ed tech products for the classroom. Research shows they tend to ask their peers for suggestions or simply search the web. We can do so much better than that!" said Mindy Frisbee, ISTE’s Senior Director of Learning Partnerships. "In the new Edsurge Product Index we bring together trusted, independent validations of product quality, such as Project Unicorn’s Interoperability Certification, into one place. Our ultimate goal is better outcomes for students from more informed Ed Tech purchasing decisions. Through partnerships with organizations like Project Unicorn we hope to make it easier for educators to choose the right tools that align best to their needs."

To learn more and sign the Project Unicorn pledge, visit the website here. To get your product in the Edsurge Index, visit the website here.

Press Contact:

Jonathan Wolf



About InnovateEDU

InnovateEDU is a non-profit whose mission is to eliminate the opportunity gap by accelerating innovation in standards aligned, next generation learning models and tools that serve, inform, and enhance teaching and learning.

Landing Zone Named 2022 SIIA CODiE Award Finalist in Best Data Management Solution

Landing Zone earns nod from Education Technology industry leaders

APRIL 25, 2022 | Brooklyn, NY - InnovateEDU’s product Landing Zone, an edtech cloud based software as a service to enable best in class enterprise cloud data infrastructure for all K12 districts, was named a 2022 SIIA CODiE Award finalist in the Best Data Management Solution category. CODiE finalists represent the best products, services and people in the education and business technology industries.

Landing Zone is designed to streamline the process of transforming data in non-standard aligned formats into a format that aligns with interoperability standards. Landing Zone addresses specific pain points to easing interoperability challenges between tool sets and allowing for districts to have a ready-built visualization layer to turn their data into action.  Landing Zone leverages Google Cloud and Google Data Studio alongside the Ed-Fi interoperability data standards and IMS OneRoster. 

The SIIA CODiE Awards, the long-running, premier awards program for the software and information industries are produced by the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal trade association for the software, education, media and digital content industries.  Landing Zone was picked as a finalist across 47 education technology categories, including new categories in education and leadership.

“The 2022 CODiE Award finalists highlight the products and people who drove their industries forward through innovative products and leadership in these uncertain times,” said SIIA President Jeff Joseph. “These honorees continue the proud tradition of CODiE Award finalists of recognizing the most impactful products, services and leaders of their time, setting a foundation for the next generation of innovators. Congratulations to all who received this well-earned acknowledgment.” 

“The Landing Zone team would like to thank SIIA for the opportunity to continue spotlighting our efforts through the CODiE Awards,” said Patrick Yoho, Engineering Manager for Landing Zone. “We want districts to be empowered to use data to promote the best academic outcomes for all students. These awards are a great opportunity for us to share with districts that it is possible to bring all of their data together in one place in a secure, standards aligned cloud environment at an unprecedented price point.”

The SIIA CODiE Awards are the industry's only peer-recognized awards program. Finalists are determined by industry experts. CODiE Award winners will be announced during the virtual winner announcement celebrations June 8 and June 9, 2022.

Details about each finalist are listed at

About the SIIA CODiE™ Awards

The SIIA CODiE Awards is the only peer-reviewed program to showcase business and education technology’s finest products and services. Since 1986, thousands of products, services and solutions have been recognized for achieving excellence. For more information, visit

About Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA)

SIIA is the only professional organization connecting more than 450 data, financial information, education technology, specialized content and publishing companies. Our diverse members provide the critical data, content, and information that drives the global economy, informs financial networks, connects learners and educators, and drives innovation. Learn more at


Contact: Gabrielle Lue, InnovateEDU,

EdTech Awards Names Landing Zone as the District Data Solution Winner

MARCH 31, 2022 | Brooklyn, NY - InnovateEDU’s product Landing Zone, an edtech cloud based software to enable best in class enterprise cloud data infrastructure for all K12 districts, was named winner of The EdTech Awards 2022 District Data Solution category. Celebrating its 12th year, the US-based awards program is the world's largest recognition program for education technology, recognizing the biggest names in edtech – and those who soon will be.

"As events unfold on the world stage that seem to inch ever closer to a precipice unknown, we are reminded that the leaders and innovators of education technology have always worked on the edge," said Victor Rivero, who as Editor-in-Chief of EdTech Digest, oversees the program.

"The future-focused work they do is inspired by the infinite potential of all people to learn and thrive. It's pushed forward by the human spirit. It's the light that even through the darkest times always shines through," Rivero said.

The EdTech Awards recognize people—and the products they produce and lives they shape— with three main honors: 

  •  The EdTech Cool Tool Awards

  • The EdTech Leadership Awards, and

  • The EdTech Trendsetter Awards.

“The Landing Zone team thanks the EdTech Awards for the honor of being named the District Data Solution winner,” said Erin Mote, Executive Director of InnovateEDU. “We are committed to providing our schools and districts with the best product and support possible to ensure that they have actionable, accurate data and visualizations, in order to provide the best opportunities for all students.”

The EdTech Awards were established in 2010 to recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate the most exceptional innovators, leaders, and trendsetters in education technology. This year’s finalists and winners were narrowed from the larger field and judged based on various criteria, including: pedagogical workability, efficacy and results, support, clarity, value and potential. To view all of this year’s EdTech Awards finalists and winners, click here.


EdTech Digest, a leading source of cool tools, interviews, and trends showcasing the future of learning — annually honors the best and brightest people, products and groups working in edtech with The EdTech Awards. Cool Tool, Leadership, and Trendsetter honorees span the K-12, Higher Ed, and Skills & Workforce sectors.


Landing Zone is a multi-phase project designed to streamline the process of transforming data in non-standard aligned formats into a format that aligns with an interoperability standard. Landing Zone addresses specific pain points to easing interoperability challenges between tool sets as identified by project partners and other practitioners. The design of this project is to provide an interim stepping stone for tools and stakeholders as they transition to standards aligned APIs.

Contact: Gabrielle Lue, InnovateEDU,

New Data Survey Seeks to Assess What Technical Assistance Schools Need

Project Unicorn Launches School System Data Survey Alongside Sixteen Coalition Members

FEBRUARY 23, 2022 | Brooklyn, NY - Project Unicorn, a coalition of 16 organizations led by InnovateEDU, is releasing their 2nd annual School System Data Survey. Designed to help Project Unicorn better understand current K12 school system capabilities and infrastructure for leveraging education data, this survey will provide insights to determine what resources and technical assistance are needed to support schools and demonstrate to edtech vendors the need for interoperability.

This year’s survey will assess schools and districts on the status of their education data within the following domains:

  • Leadership and Vision

  • Governance

  • Technology and Infrastructure Landscape

  • Procurement

  • Implementation Fidelity

  • Impact on Educational Environment

"The School System Data Survey is unique in its focus on district capabilities for leveraging education data,” said Susan Bearden, Director of Digital Programs at InnovateEDU. “It also serves as a valuable self-assessment tool, no matter where they are on their data journey."

The School System Data Survey will continue to be administered annually, in order to track data interoperability and privacy trends across the field over time. The results of this annual survey will be documented within the State of the Sector Report and measure growth and change in data usage in the sector. The 2021 State of the Sector Report can be downloaded here.


Project Unicorn is a national initiative coordinated by InnovateEDU and powered by a coalition of organizations representing stakeholders across the education sector focused on the goal to optimize and radicalize education data with interoperability, Project Unicorn leads the development of events, tools, and resources to educate K-12 buyers of edtech products, bring clarity to interoperability standards, help edtech vendors meet the demand for interoperability, raise awareness of the importance of interoperability for understanding all students’ paths to graduation regardless of income or zip code, and ultimately see how interoperability can create data magic for schools and students.

Project Unicorn does not endorse a specific product or data standard but instead is an educational advocacy initiative dedicated to the secure, controlled interchange of data.

Contact: Gabrielle Lue, InnovateEDU,

Nine Ed Tech Vendors Earn Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification

Product Certifications Provide Transparency to Educators when Selecting Edtech Tools

JANUARY 13, 2022 | Brooklyn, NY - InnovateEDU’s Project Unicorn announces nine education technology product vendors who have completed their Interoperability Certification, which is being offered in partnership with Digital Promise. The Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification signals that an Ed Tech product prioritizes data interoperability: the seamless, secure, and controlled exchange of usable data between applications. It also signals to school districts and educators each vendors’ focus on better informing instruction and driving student-centered learning experiences.

The following nine vendors have completed the Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification:

“At Project Unicorn we have heard from our over 600 pledged school districts that clear market signals matter.  This certification is intended to give both the supply side - vendors - and the demand side - districts and purchasers of edtech a clear understanding of where a product is in their interoperability journey,” said Erin Mote, Executive Director of InnovateEDU. 

The Unicorn product certifications are awarded to products as competency-based digital badges through the Digital Promise Product Certifications platform and will be featured for buyers in a number of indexes where buyers go to find information about products including Learn Platform and the Edsurge Product Index.

"Educators are extremely frustrated by how hard it is to get reliable, independent information when buying ed tech products for the classroom. Research shows they tend to ask their peers for suggestions or simply search the web. We can do so much better than that!" said Mindy Frisbee, ISTE’s Senior Director of Learning Partnerships. "In the new Edsurge Product Index we bring together trusted, independent validations of product quality, such as Project Unicorn’s Interoperability Certification, into one place. Our ultimate goal is better outcomes for students from more informed Ed Tech purchasing decisions. Through partnerships with organizations like Project Unicorn we hope to make it easier for educators to choose the right tools that align best to their needs."

To learn more and sign the Project Unicorn pledge, visit the website here. To get your product in the Edsurge Index, visit the website here.

Press Contact:

Gabrielle Lue



About InnovateEDU

InnovateEDU is a non-profit whose mission is to eliminate the opportunity gap by accelerating innovation in standards aligned, next generation learning models and tools that serve, inform, and enhance teaching and learning.

InnovateEDU’s Project Unicorn Releases Inaugural School Data Interoperability Update

Coalition Produces State of the Sector Report With Insights from Over 100 Local Education Agencies and Regional Education Service Agencies

OCTOBER 15, 2021 | Brooklyn, NY - Project Unicorn, a coalition of 16 organizations led by InnovateEDU, is excited to release their State of the Sector report which provides an analysis of the current state of interoperability and privacy best practice implementation in the K12 sector and the first overview of challenges and opportunities.  The report represents an unprecedented collaboration with a coalition of 16 education organizations working to address the challenge of data interoperability in K12 education. Coalition members include: Access for Learning (A4L), Common Education Data Standards (CEDS), Council for Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), Council for Great City Schools (CGCS), Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), Common Sense Media, Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), Data Quality Campaign (DQC), Digital Promise, Ed-Fi, Future of Privacy Forum (FPF), The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Getting Smart, InnovateEDU, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), The Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, and Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA). Recognizing that the challenge of addressing data interoperability in the K12 sector was too complex for any one organization to address individually, the members of the coalition began working together in 2017 to support and promote the use of data interoperability through a wide range of activities under the Project Unicorn banner. This report, utilizing the results of their School System Data Survey, is designed to help Project Unicorn, and the K12 education technology community better understand current K12 school system capabilities and infrastructure for leveraging education data. 

"The report highlights important progress made but also the need in the field for technical assistance around data privacy and interoperability practices,” said Susan Bearden, Director of Digital Programs at InnovateEDU. “Overwhelmingly, district leaders desire to engage in data-informed decision making but often lack the capacity to do so. Project Unicorn is committed to addressing these gaps and so that all districts can leverage the power of interoperability to improve educational outcomes. We believe this data can also provide powerful signals to edtech vendors and suppliers about what their customers are asking for and how to better meet the needs of today’s K12 district data ecosystems."

Key findings from the report include:

  • School systems who have signed the Project Unicorn pledge scored higher than non-pledge signatories in all domains - in some areas, significantly higher. Districts that signed the pledge reported more advanced data practices and/or capabilities than non-pledge signatories.

  • Many district leaders are not familiar with interoperability standards and/or how they might be used in their school system. 

  • Larger and more urban districts tended to score higher on the survey overall than smaller and more rural ones.

  • Among the 6 survey domains, governance was indicated as the domain with the least support and resources. This domain is the largest challenge area for school systems and needs the most technical support. 

  • School systems that have established procurement practices around technology tools are more mature in their use of interoperability standards and protecting student data privacy. 

  • School systems are slightly more aware of privacy needs than they are of interoperability needs, but an understanding of their importance generally comes hand in hand.

  • Funding is a substantial challenge for implementing data system modernization - including interoperability and privacy.

  • School systems cite privacy and interoperability planning as one of their most substantial technical assistance needs. Other needs include developing procurement plans and processes.

“Access to high-quality meaningful data is critical for educators to make effective decisions and inform instruction. Without systems in place that provide integrated access to data, educators are often saddled with the burden of putting the pieces together themselves or lack access altogether to the critical information they need to be able to meet the needs of all their students,” said Mindy Frisbee, Senior Director of Learning Partnerships at ISTE. “Reports like the State of the Sector highlight the positive impact of work that has been done to date by many organizations, the leadership of Project Unicorn, and districts across the country and shine a light on the needs and challenges still facing schools and districts today. Findings from this report are essential for helping organizations like ours better understand how we can grow our work and further support the commitment many districts are making to integrate advanced data practices within their systems.”

The School System Data Survey will be administered annually to track data interoperability and privacy trends across the field with the findings reported in the State of the Sector report. The results of this annual survey and report will also be used to inform the development of technical resources and create a coordinated support strategy for districts and vendors that seek to further this work.  This year’s report can be downloaded here.


Project Unicorn is a national initiative coordinated by InnovateEDU and powered by a coalition of organizations representing stakeholders across the education sector focused on the goal to optimize and radicalize education data with interoperability, Project Unicorn leads the development of events, tools, and resources to educate K-12 buyers of edtech products, bring clarity to interoperability standards, help edtech vendors meet the demand for interoperability, raise awareness of the importance of interoperability for understanding all students’ paths to graduation regardless of income or zip code, and ultimately see how interoperability can create data magic for schools and students.

Project Unicorn does not endorse a specific product or data standard but instead is an educational advocacy initiative dedicated to the secure, controlled interchange of data.

Contact: Gabrielle Lue, InnovateEDU,

InnovateEDU to Co-Lead New Project Focused on Teacher Preparation

OCTOBER 13, 2021 | Brooklyn, NY - InnovateEDU, alongside the Learning Policy Institute, is excited to announce the launch of a new project within their portfolio,  Pathways Alliance. The Pathways Alliance is an uncommon coalition of leading organizations dedicated to supporting and implementing diverse and inclusive educator preparation pipelines, including teacher residency programs. This project is a result of the multi-year efforts of InnovateEDU, Learning Policy Institute, National Center for Teacher Residencies, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at ASU, Prepared to Teach at Bank Street College of Education, Deans for Impact, The Learning Accelerator, Public Impact, and American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

“I am thankful to all of our partner organizations for joining in this coalition to launch the Pathways Alliance,” said Erin Mote, Executive Director of InnovateEDU. “InnovateEDU prioritizes bringing together uncommon alliances in the form of students, teachers, organizations to participate in innovative practices that improves student achievement and solves large scale challenges in education. This project is an opportunity to promote best practices for building a diverse and sustainable system of support for educators serving our students every day.”

The initial goals of the project include:

  • Developing a common definition of Teacher Residency;

  • Launch a resource library with resources for planning, implementing, and improving teacher residencies and other quality educator preparation programs in the current climate;

  • Develop a reputation as the go-to alliance for SEA/LEA decision makers looking for guidance.


InnovateEDU is a non-profit whose mission is to eliminate the opportunity gap by accelerating innovation in standards aligned, next generation learning models and tools that serve, inform, and enhance teaching and learning.

Contact: Gabrielle Lue, InnovateEDU,

InnovateEDU’s Landing Zone Named SIIA Education Technology 2021 CODiE Award Finalist for Best Emerging Instructional Technology Solution

InnovateEDU’s Landing Zone Named SIIA Education Technology 2021 CODiE Award Finalist for Best Emerging Instructional Technology Solution

SIIA CODiE Awards are a prestigious industry recognition 

Brooklyn, NY - May 5, 2021 - InnovateEDU’s product Landing Zone, an ed tech software to enable best in class enterprise data infrastructure for all K12 districts, announced that Landing Zone was named a 2021 SIIA CODiE Award finalist in the Best Emerging Instructional Technology Solution category. CODiE Award finalists represent applications, products and services from developers of educational software, digital content, online learning services and related technologies across the PreK-20 sector.

Landing Zone develops software to enable best in class enterprise data infrastructure for all K12 districts, regardless of size. Embracing  open data standards, such as Ed-Fi and IMS Global, the team works to push the sector forward in terms of embracing data interoperability through building a best in class data infrastructure in schools and districts’ Google Cloud environment.  This infrastructure as a service solution enables a robust data system for any district or any size along with ready built dashboarding that integrates all education data sources most important to you together, in one place.

“Landing Zone is absolutely thrilled to be recognized by SIIA as a ‘Best Emerging Instructional Technology Solution’ finalist. Now more than ever, it is mission critical for districts to be able to have access to and understand student’s educational data in a way that can provide valuable, actionable insights that teachers can act on to improve student outcomes. No technology will ever replace a great teacher but we can supercharge great teaching with great data,” said InnovateEDU’s Executive Director, Erin Mote.

Acknowledged as the premier awards program for the software and information industries for over 35 years, the SIIA CODiE Awards are produced by the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal trade association for the software, education, media, financial information and digital content industries. Landing Zone was honored as one of 152 finalists across the 42 education technology categories. 

“The CODiE Awards recognize the most exciting and transformative products in Ed Tech,” said Jeff Joseph, SIIA President. “This year, these leaders helped our nation respond to the historic pandemic, enabling learners, educators, administrators and parents to remain connected to each other and to critical educational resources via an array of innovative services and platforms. Congratulations to this year’s finalists for demonstrating the vitality, resilience and importance of this important industry.”

The SIIA CODiE Awards are the industry's only peer-recognized awards program. Educators and administrators serve as judges and conduct the first-round review of all education nominees. Their scores determine the SIIA CODiE Award finalists which accounts for 80% of the overall score. SIIA members then vote on the finalist products and the scores from both rounds are tabulated to select the winners. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Business Technology category winners will be announced during an online winner announcement celebration June 22, 2021.


Details about each finalist are listed at


About InnovateEDU 

InnovateEDU is a non-profit whose mission is to eliminate the achievement gap by accelerating innovation in standards aligned, next generation learning models and tools that serve, inform, and enhance teaching and learning.

About the SIIA CODiE™ Awards

The SIIA CODiE Awards is the only peer-reviewed program to showcase business and education technology’s finest products and services. Since 1986, thousands of products, services and solutions have been recognized for achieving excellence. For more information, visit

About Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA)

SIIA is the only professional organization connecting more than 700 data, financial information, education technology, specialized content and publishing, and health technology companies. Our diverse members manage the global financial markets, develop software that solves today’s challenges through technology, provide critical information that helps inform global businesses large and small, and innovate for better health care and personal wellness outcomes.

InnovateEDU Communications Contact:

SIIA Communications Contact:


Statement on Derek Chauvin's Verdict

At the heart of our mission are the values of equity, inclusion, and justice.  Since our founding, InnovateEDU, and our community, have worked together to respond through our work to further educational equity in the wake of the tragic deaths of George Floyd, countless other Black Americans, and people of color, from racially motivated crimes around the globe. These continued acts of racism damage our society and are counter to our core values. 

One of our key missions is to advance racial equity and inclusion for people of all races, ethnicities, and abilities. We strive to address injustice in all of its forms and remain committed to doing so.  While we're in support of the verdict of Derek Chauvin's case, there are countless families and communities that have historically endured loss, while fighting against injustice.  The struggle remains. The fight to address systemic oppression and racism endure.

"I would not call today's verdict justice...but it is accountability, which is the first step towards justice."

- Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison

This statement was originally shared by InnovateEDU on April 21, 2021.

InnovateEDU's Statement on Anti-Asian Crimes

Hate against some of us harms all of us. We encourage our community to acknowledge, amplify, and denounce the ongoing anti-Asian hate crimes. In the past few weeks, our team has been horrified to read about racially motivated hate crimes involving physical violence and harassment, targeting Asian Americans. These are not isolated events, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, inflammatory and xenophobic rhetoric, harassment, and violence against Asian American and Pacific Islander persons, families, and communities have increased. These acts damage our society and counter to our core values.  

Advancing racial equity and inclusion for people of all races and ethnicities is critical to the mission of InnovateEDU. We commit to and will work to activate every member of our community and our partners to take a stand against the structures that perpetuate and fuel discrimination and assaults on Asian American and Pacific Islander persons.

This statement was originally released by InnovateEDU on March 17, 2021.