Our Projects

InnovateEDU started in New York City but has expanded into a number of nationwide research projects and initiatives to support under-resourced schools and educators. InnovateEDU focuses on the development of scalable tools and practices that leverage innovation, technology, and new human capital systems to improve education for all students and close the opportunity gap.

After School Programming with DYCD: Beginning in 2015, InnovateEDU implemented an after school program at Brooklyn Laboratory Charter School, with support from the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development(DYCD). Through this DYCD SONYC program, LAB students are engaged in daily project-based workshops that foster the development of 21st century learning skills in digital literacy and student leadership.


The Alliance for Learning Innovation (ALI) brings together education nonprofits, philanthropy, and the private sector, to advocate for building a better research and development (R&D) infrastructure in education. ALI advocates for increased capacity of education R&D and supports the research and development of evidence-based innovation in education that centers students and practitioners, advances equity, improves talent pathways, and expands the workforce needed in a globally competitive world.


BIRD-E: Blueprint for Inclusive Research and Development in Education: Based on the intervention that accelerated the connection between research and practice in healthcare, the Blueprint for Inclusive Research and Development in Education (BIRD-E) aimed to modernize education research infrastructure. Specifically, the project focused on making education research more aligned, usable, discoverable, and actionable for improving teaching and learning in today’s classrooms through the creation of a data schema. Read more.


Data Whiz is a community of practice that works to share best practices and solve common pain points around technology and data in the education space. We are a community of doers who believe we should be learning from each other’s work while creating real impact in the space. This takes the form of projects that have impact outside the walls of Data Whiz itself.


The EDSAFE AI Alliance aims to promote AI's safe, accountable, fair, and efficacious (SAFE) use in education.  Led by a Steering Committee of leading education, technology, and learning organizations, the Alliance joins forces to address one of our time's most pressing educational policy challenges. Anchored in the SAFE framework, EDSAFE focuses on policy development and support at the federal, state, and local level through our education and advocacy efforts. We support the field through a national network of district-level policy labs and a groundbreaking fellowship to build the field's capacity.


The Educating All Learners™ Alliance (EALA) is an uncommon coalition of organizations committed to resource sharing and community-building that supports the efforts of the education community to meet the needs of students with disabilities. We are committed to showing the path to possible for practitioners by providing curated, searchable resources, access to experts, a tech library featuring accessibility features in edtech, and examples from the field.


The Global Edtech Testbed Network is a collaborative effort supported by the Jacobs Foundation to advance best practices in the field of edtech co-development and evaluation through “testbeds” or authentic school environments in which to trial emerging education technologies.


The Partnership for Student Success is a coalition of nonprofits, higher education institutions, and school districts working to enable all students to get the evidence-based supports they need to succeed. Based at the Johns Hopkins University Everyone Graduates Center, the PSS supports a nationwide effort in local and state communities across the country to bring evidence-based and people-powered support to all students. We bring together experts and practitioners in education, national service, and youth development to support locally-driven implementation of tutoring, mentoring, student success coaching, postsecondary transition coaching, wraparound/integrated student supports, and other evidence-based practices that support children and youth.


The Pathways Alliance is an uncommon coalition of leading organizations dedicated to supporting and implementing diverse and inclusive educator preparation pipelines, including teacher residency programs. Now more than ever, effective and affordable education preparation programs and pathways are essential for teachers, schools, and students. We're working together to make this possible.


Project Unicorn is an effort to improve data interoperability within K-12 education. We aim to create a community of innovators who make the broader case for secure interoperability by determining shared priorities, working in partnership with school systems and vendors to understand its importance and benefits, creating a demand side push for interoperability through partnerships, and educating buyers to consider the total cost of ownership through informed comparison of vendors.


To understand where we’re going in the next 10 years, take a look at what we’ve accomplished.

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