Product Certifications Provide Transparency to Educators when Selecting Edtech Tools
MAY 31, 2022| Brooklyn, NY - InnovateEDU’s Project Unicorn announces eight education technology product vendors who have completed their Porject Unicorn Interoperability Certification. The Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification signals that an edtech product prioritizes data interoperability: the seamless, secure, and controlled exchange of usable data between applications. It also signals to school districts and educators each vendors’ focus on better informing instruction and driving student-centered learning experiences.
The following eight vendors have completed the Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification:
Abre Whole Child Administration Platform, created by Abre
Edmentum Curriculum, created by edmentum
FROST, created by LearningMate
RapidIdentity, created by Identity Automation
Scholastico PTC, created by Scholastico
School Passport, created by Global Grid 4 Learning
Simpldismissal, created by SimpleEDU
“At Project Unicorn we have heard from our over 700 pledged school districts that clear market signals matter. This certification is intended to give both the supply side - vendors - and the demand side - districts and purchasers of edtech a clear understanding of where a product is in their interoperability journey,” said Erin Mote, Executive Director of InnovateEDU.
The Unicorn product certifications are awarded to products as competency-based digital badges through the Digital Promise Product Certifications platform and will be featured for buyers in a number of indexes where buyers go to find information about products including Learn Platform and the Edsurge Product Index.
"Educators are extremely frustrated by how hard it is to get reliable, independent information when buying ed tech products for the classroom. Research shows they tend to ask their peers for suggestions or simply search the web. We can do so much better than that!" said Mindy Frisbee, ISTE’s Senior Director of Learning Partnerships. "In the new Edsurge Product Index we bring together trusted, independent validations of product quality, such as Project Unicorn’s Interoperability Certification, into one place. Our ultimate goal is better outcomes for students from more informed Ed Tech purchasing decisions. Through partnerships with organizations like Project Unicorn we hope to make it easier for educators to choose the right tools that align best to their needs."
To learn more and sign the Project Unicorn pledge, visit the website here. To get your product in the Edsurge Index, visit the website here.
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InnovateEDU is a non-profit whose mission is to eliminate the opportunity gap by accelerating innovation in standards aligned, next generation learning models and tools that serve, inform, and enhance teaching and learning.